Free Monthly Yoga Nidra

As part of my teaching I will always keep this offering free. Every month we meet online for a dedicated 30-40 mins of yoga nidra. We say hello, we get ready, we switch cameras and mics off (except me of course) and we take this time to de-stress, to connect to the present moment, and dedicate to our intention whatever they may be (no need to share on the call).

Nidra is an incredibly powerful practice and has been found to improve sleep, decrease anxiety and stress, to connect to self and your spiritual beliefs more deeply.

If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, you can sign up to the nidra specific mailing list here to be invited each month to our Google Meets meeting.

Treehouse online studio

100+ pre recorded yoga asana practices

11 yoga nidra practices

Choose from 15 to 60 mins practices to suit your schedule

Access to the beginners series

£20 a month

2 week free trial

The beginners series: Each 30 minute class is themed around a certain type of posture typically found in your yoga asana practice. We start with Sun Salutations, standing poses, seated & hips, twists, backbends & a consolidation practice. Each themed class is also accompanied by a short partner pose video- these will focus on one particular pose and how you can recruit your partner, housemate, kids... to help you feel something new in the pose.

Yoga nidra Recordings: Frequently called an 'essential' or 'the best' part of The Treehouse studio. There is a collection of different yoga nidra recordings focusing on a variety of things- from anxiety to sleep, from courage to stress, there is a yoga nidra for how you're feeling. And many members practice one a day before bed to get them in the right zone for a restful, deep sleep.

60 mins practices: Explore a wide selection of 60 minutes practice, depending on how your body is feeling, choosing either Vinyasa or Slow Flows. With more than 100 to choose, each practice will feel fresh.

15-20 mins practices: For many people fitting in a full 60-90 minute practice daily just isn't feasible. This is where the 15 minute practices come in. They are themed as warm up, wind down and flow so you can tailor your practice based on how you're feeling.

Ebb and Flow 1-2-1 Membership

This is for you if you:

  • ...are struggling to stay consistent in your practice. Maybe you have periods of practicing regularly but lose it when life gets in the way and find it difficult to get back on track.

  • ...feel like you enjoy the in person connection of group classes but feel like progress is slow or you don't get enough tailored feedback

  • find that your regular classes don't focus enough on other aspects of yoga that you'd like to learn more about. Things like pranayama, (breath work) or developing tools to use in your daily life like meditation.

  • find it difficult to stay focused in a group class, and struggle with being over stimulated, with too many thoughts it your head.

What's included?

  • Weekly live 1-2-1 classes with me.

  • Tailored practices that ebb and flow with your life and your needs.

  • A weekly check in to see how you're feeling with the classes and what you'd like to focus on the following week

  • Access to my on-demand platform 'Treehouse' for those times that you want to top up your practice from home. (Plus yoga nidra recordings).

  • Discount codes for Yoga & Brunch Club to connect with like minded people and stay in community.

If you're ready to prioritise self-care and see how a consistent tailored practice can make you the link below to fill out an application form and book a chemistry chat.

Community Feedback

'I decided to hire Sofia as a private yoga teacher after having a few bad experiences with group classes. I am very prone to injury and would always hurt myself no matter how hard I tried not to over train. Sofia understood my needs and what I was able to do since day 1 and developed a very personalised approach which made me gain strength gradually. Every combined with meditation and relaxation make my days calmer and happier! I can't recommend Sofia highly enough. She has such great energy, presence and really listens to you'- Luciana

'Sofia’s yoga classes have been an absolute blessing throughout the lockdown period. Even through a screen, I have felt connected during class and felt as though she was in the room with me! Sofia is very attentive and patient with all individuals and her calm and warm demeanour shines through, always. I have recently listened to one of her Yoga Nidra recording, which I highly recommend to anyone struggling to sleep or just needing to relax and concentrate on the breath. It has been a very useful tool during this testing time! I am looking forward to continuing my yoga journey with Sofia. Thank you for everything!' - Xristina

'We have been taking private lessons with Sofia for the past two years. She is an amazing instructor. Really focused in understanding how do we feel and what our needs are so that she can give a class tailored to help us to improve our physical and mental health. Not only that she has a great personality being able to keep calm and teach even when our three kids decide to participate in the classes!' - Leticia and George

'I have been regularly practicing online with Sofia for months and I couldn't be happier. Her classes are energetic, technical and very fun. I really like the flow and variety of her practice and her explanations make the poses very interesting and easy to follow. She gives individual tips and tailors the lessons to all levels so you can feel how your practice keeps progressing. She also makes her own playlists and yoga nidra recordings which are super relaxing! All in all, Sofia offers the best online yoga content I have found, highly recommended!' - Patricia

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